Easy interface to administer translations. One can control exactly what each translator can see and they love using it. The interface also makes it easy to see what translations are missing as well as split up your application into different namespaces.
Great integration into front end javascript. We are using VUE and there is an excellent 2 way flow where the site can pull the translations, but also use the API to send new keys.
The pricing is different from other services, but much more fair. You pay more if you use more, rather than one giant fee.
The support is prompt and very helpful.
If the site is not business critical, the translate all via Google Translate is a great feature!

At Logiscool, we teach kids programming in more than ten countries. While the universal language of programming is English, managing our website translations for a growing number of languages quickly became a challenge.
Using i18next as our international framework enables us to use the same technology around our whole software stack, regardless the actual backend or framework we use. Locize is the icing on the cake – it made translation management unspeakably easier.
We love the editor support for in-text HTML tags and there’s finally someone who’s prepared to handle plurals by the book. Locize also helps us staying in touch with our growing number of translators at a daily basis, while the Locize API enables us to safely integrate with our build systems. Thank you!

We use Locize to translate our product KE-chain. KE-chain is a cloud-based software product used for digital registrations in the construction and infra industry and now available in multiple languages.
We integrated Locize within a day using the React i18n packages available. It was a frictionless experience integrating it and a frictionless experience adding the translations. It is ideal for a team that want to stay agile without imposing a forced translation flow.
The cost structure suited our use better than alternative solutions. We like using the translation hints by services such as Google, to help us to get 'something' quick which may be altered later by a native speaker.

Easy interface to administer translations. One can control exactly what each translator can see and they love using it. The interface also makes it easy to see what translations are missing as well as split up your application into different namespaces.
Great integration into front end javascript. We are using VUE and there is an excellent 2 way flow where the site can pull the translations, but also use the API to send new keys.
The pricing is different from other services, but much more fair. You pay more if you use more, rather than one giant fee.
The support is prompt and very helpful.
If the site is not business critical, the translate all via Google Translate is a great feature!

Locize enables Wuxus to roll out our digital infrastructure for the transportation industry, on a global scale, with ease.
Great tool, easy to implement, easy to use, great service and support. Asked for a feature - available the next day.

With Locize we could speed up our whole translation process by more than 50%!

Locize has enabled Withlocals to localise effectively our website in several languages. Given that Withlocals is all about personal experiences & authenticity, being able to take over the delicate task of translating our platform’s content made Locize a valuable partner for us.
Thanks to this collaboration we have been able to focus fully on the development of our product, and at the same time provide our translators worldwide with a user-friendly tool.

We utilize Locize for several projects in the publishing industry. The team of Locize made it a no brainer to shift over from a premature self-hosted localization tool to their SaaS.
In the rare case that features were missing, they have been implemented in no time. The support and feedback is great and the tool is easy to use.
We have many on premise installations without access to the internet (thus not using Locizes cdn feature), it should be mentioned that integrating Locize into our build and release workflow (gulp, gitlab ci) has been a breeze. I’d definitely recommend using it.

Locize promises a Continuous Localization Lifecycle and delivers it with a bang.
Using Locize, we have been able to translate over 40,000 key/value pairs for a significantly large application within a matter of days. It cannot get better than this.
Read the full success story.

Locize is a great service that helps speed up development time by allowing our engineers to focus on building features instead of managing and maintaining translation tools.
They provided fantastic customer support that was very quick to respond and help us with any questions we had.

We develop bespoke software and many of our clients are international
Locize has enabled us to develop software for clients whose native language is not English, and allow them to translate the software at their own pace.

Locize has enabled us to roll out scalable multi-language support to our client-facing online booking interfaces.
Integrating the Locize API and CLI into our build process allows our product team to add new languages and modify translations on the fly without requiring any code changes.