locize for Open Source

We support the open source community.
If you're building awesome non-profit projects that could use the power of locize, we're happy to help.
Make your content multilingual to reach a global audience.

We love the open-source philosophy and are eager to support community projects.

Open Source Developer

Are you an open-source developer?
Would you like to use locize for your open-source project?
Let's make a deal, and we'll tailor a suitable offer for you! It may be we're able to sponsor you a complete locize project.

Tell us about your project...

  • Is the project licensed under an approved license from an open-source initiative?
  • Is your project's source code publicly available for download?
  • Have you any commercial products related to the open-source project?
  • Are you the project lead?
  • How long have you been working on your open-source project?
  • Do you have an active community of collaborators?

Contact us!

We love open source

locize is the official sponsor of i18next.

With using locize you directly support the future of i18next.

The creators of i18next are also the founders of locize

The i18next community provided us with great feedback. Out of that response and our own experiences we learnt providing instrumentation for doing proper internationalization just is not enough.

Helping developers to get their applications translated is great - but there is more to it.

  • How do you integrate any translation services / agency?
  • How do you keep track of new or removed content?
  • How you handle proper versioning?
  • How you deploy translation changes without deploying your complete application?
  • and a lot more...

locize to the rescue

Having created the foundation with i18next it was a long journey to localization as a service.

locize is the perfect translation management tool for your i18next project.

➡️ i18next + locize = true continuous localization

Need some assistance?

Get any questions you may have about our pricing or platform answered by one of our team members.

Contact us!