Use locize like your traditional desktop based translation tool (just better).
Use locize by importing and exporting the translation files.
Take advantage from the smart translation memory and machine / generative AI translations.
Learn more about the supported formats.
Automating parts of the process.
You can control your localization project by using our full fledged API.
Want to sync with your local code repository or during build time. All possible using our Sync tool.
Or automatically download your translations in your CI/CD pipeline with our GitHub Action.
Being more efficient using locize.
Directly connect your project with locize.
See the full power in this video sample for react.js. Learn more about the integration options using i18next or other i18n frameworks below.
Locize offers a big variety of integrations options.
Our goal is to provide you with a complete set of features to enable a continuous localization process.
For both locizify and i18next you can enable the save missing feature. Once enabled new content will automatically added to your localization project.
If not turned off, translations will automatically be published to our CDN. No need to download translations or to redeploy your app for changes to take effect.
Use our API, CLI client or GitHub Action to automate your process - if you prefer not depending on our CDN.
By using the CLI, you can synchronize your translations with locize without having to change your code.
Like on your repository you can add multiple versions to your project at no extra cost - work on latest while developing and pull the latest translations to your production version when ready to deploy a new version of your application.
With this option, all newly created keys in the reference language are automatically translated into the target languages using machine or generative AI translation, like Google Translate, Deepl, Open AI or Mistral AI.
Get any questions you may have about integrating locize answered by one of our team members.
Contact us!