Extend your locize experience with those additional services.
The smart translation memory provides you with suggestions of already translated segments and helps you to save time and keeping your translations consistent.
History enables you to track the last changes done to your translations. It empowers you to prove anytime when a content fragment was changed.
You can enable the review workflow for specific languages. This way each time someone changes a translation, it will start a review workflow. The actual value will not be changed until someone will accept one of the translation proposals.
SAML single sign-on (SSO) gives users access to locize through an identity provider (IDP) of your choice.
The machine translation feature enables every new content to get automatically translated into all other defined target languages (like Google Translate).
Increase your overall translation quality and reduce feedback loops. Validate your product design with translated content. And Send missing translations to locize.
Are you offering a customized software for your customers, and you like to anticipate translations that could be overridden by you on a per-customer basis or directly by your customer?
Enable the slack integration and choose on of your slack channels to get notified when something noteworthy happens in your localization project.
Get directly notified in your Microsoft Teams channel if something noticeable happens.
A glossary is a lexica that contains terminology to be used or not be used in the translations.
There's a lot more than that, find out yourself 😉!
We are continuously offering more services.
Directly order translations from our partners.
Supertext is on a mission to free the world from bad copy. Their team of over 3,000 handpicked professional translators and copywriters have helped countless app developers and SaaS companies reach new markets without compromising the brand voice.
From translating web content to making your entire product fit for new cultural subtleties. Supertext’s local teams of dedicated project managers in Zurich, Berlin and Los Angeles are by your side every step of the way.
TextMaster’s translation services are ideal for a variety of projects: simple web content, high volume product catalogs or complex documents...
Offers general translation services as well as more specialized translation, including financial, technical, and legal.
BLEND helps companies localize their business based on a unique understanding of local context, culture, subtlety, and consumer behavior. Our global community of 25,000+ translators, voice-over professionals, and language specialists provide end-to-end localization solutions for companies of all sizes and in all industries. Additionally, customers can utilize BLEND Express (formerly One Hour Translation), our self-service translation platform, for personal and business projects.
Get any questions you may have about integrating locize answered by one of our team members.
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