Language localization - Everything you need to know
Understand the procedure for translating the product into the language appropriate for the specific geographic market.
Understand the procedure for translating the product into the language appropriate for the specific geographic market.
Gatsby Localization made easy with this ✅ step-by-step guide using i18next.
Vue Localization made easy with this ✅ step-by-step guide using i18next.
Simple Svelte localization made easy with this ✅step-by-step guide using svelte-i18n.
Optimize your Next.js app to best work with translations on server side and on client side with next-i18next.
Remix localization made easy focusing on continuous localization.
Simple Remix localization made easy with this ✅step-by-step guide using i18next.
Why Continuous Localization?Because software development never stops when the first version of a product is released (bug fixes, minor updates and at some point major new versions and releases) — con
How to properly internationalize a jQuery website using i18next.
How does internationalization (i18n) for Deno look like? CLI, webserver, server side rendered sites, etc...
Learn how to optimize Next.js static HTML export for internationalization (i18n) with step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.