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Locize Docs


Using locize


Guides / Tips & Tricks


Which integration option should I use?Do I have to use the locize CDN or can I host / bundle the translations directly?How is locize different from the alternatives?Why do I get “The passed json is nested too deeply.” when consuming the API?Is locize only for developers and translators or is project management within the process too?What is the regular way to update the translation memory?Is there any visibility on project’s level of completion that shows how translators are progressing?Why is my namespace suddenly a flat json?How to change the publish format?Why does my namespace contain an array with a lot of null items?Why is the pricing so complicated?How to change credit card or billing information or download the invoices?How to import translations from a file?How to manually publish a specific version?How to delete or rename a namespace?Why is there such a high download amount?Where do I find the namespace backups?How can a segment/key be copied/moved or renamed?Why a new namespace is created, when I upload a translation file?I want to use the locize CDN, but would like to have a fallback that uses local/bundled translationsIs it possible to integrate multiple projects in the same app/website?Why do I see strange new keys marked as ONE, FEW, MANY, OTHERS?How do I open and edit JSON files?i18n vs. i18nexti18next vs. locizeWord CounterHow to style text within locize?What do I have to consider if my translation texts may contain confidential information?How to translate a file and download the results?


locize will help to keep your translations free of issues and inconsistencies by performing checks. On this page, you will find a list of possible issues and how to solve them.

The global view will only show that there is a warning/error on a specific key for details you will have to follow the link into the focus view and check the right-hand column:

Running all checks for your project

Besides running the checks for one segment in the focus view you have to run all checks using the following button in the focus view:

In the bulk actions section in the global view, the checks run for all your segments or the one actually filtered, while in the focus view it runs for the selected language and namespace.

Check this section in the video to see how Checks/Issues can be used.

checks/issues part of showcase/demo

Ignoring checks

You can use the icon button with the eye symbol to ignore an error.

Generally ignoring checks

You have also the possibility to generally ignore specific checks.You can do so by navigating to your project settings page, in the "EDITOR, TM/MT, ORDERING" tab and clicking the "Issues to ignore" section in the "Cat settings" card.

Consistency checks

As this check is very performance intensive you will have to trigger this check manually.

issue 220 - not consistent with the translation memory

This issue tells you that we found another translation inside the translation memory that was translated differently. You got the option to change the translation to be consistent or to ignore this issue as you prefer having this inconsistency.

Check glossary consistency

As this check is rather performance intensive you will have to trigger this check manually. This check will only work if you uploaded a glossary file in your settings page.

issue 230 - found forbidden term (glossary)

The translation contains a term that was set as forbidden in the glossary provided for this project.

issue 231 - inconsitent terms (glossary)

The segment appears to match a glossary entry in the source language, but no allowed term was used in the translation in the target language.

Check i18n syntax consistency

This check will compare source and target translations for containing same i18n syntax features (depending on set i18n format).

issue 240 - detected i18n syntax inconsistency

The translation contains a different number of i18n syntax used, eg. interpolation, nesting, ....

Misc checks

Check exists in the source language

issue 301 - is not found in the source language

The key was only imported into a target language. It is recommended to add the content in the source language, too.

This may also result in having your translation statistics not to show the expected percentage of translated segments.

Check if the translation is up to date

issue 302 - the content in the source language changed after translating to this target language

There was a change to the source content. The translation might be outdated, wrong – time to check if the provided translation is still valid.

If the translation is still valid, you can confirm it in the focus view:

Do not forget to click the SAVE button, after having clicked CONFIRM.(Confirming is only available in the focus view.)

Check max characters length

issue 310 - is longer than the defined max characters

In the source language is a defined max length for this sentence and the provided translation is too long.

File checks

Invalid Nesting

issue 420 - gets nested into another string

This issue exists if there is a key eg. key.nested that would be nested into another key key. The result in a JSON export would then be:

  "key": "value"

// or

  "key": {
    "nested": "value"

So you would lose one of the keys in your export. To solve this issue rename one of the keys.

Check array size

issue 430 - check for array issue

The key is in form key.10001 which leads to exporting as an array (eg. in the JSON format). Having such a key would result in the creation of an array with the given number. This check asserts array sizes stay in a limited size (below 100).

You can avoid the conversion of the content to an array by providing a key that has a non-numeric end like key.aString.