locize is more than just a simple import/export tool for translations. It is usually used as an integrated part of your localization process - integrated in your application code or CI/CD pipeline.
But you can use locize also to import some files of your reference language, translate them to your target languages and export them back to files.
Head over to our app and register. Create your first project on the dashboard after login.
Click the "ADD LANGUAGE" button in the "..." menu of the "Start to translate" card:
Select the desired language and click "ADD":
Click the "IMPORT FILE" button in the "..." menu of the "Start to translate" card:
Select the file you want to import:
Choose the appropriate file type:
Click on "IMPORT & SHOW IN CAT":If necessary change the namespace name.
Verify if all seems correct and click the "SAVE" button:
Deselect the "pending changes" filter and start to translate. Make sure you click the "SAVE" button: The machine translation feature is disabled during the trial.
You have different options to export the translations.
If there is no language and no namespace selected in the filter, when clicking the "EXP" button, you can choose from various formats, i.e. json all (zip)
This will return a zip file containing all json files.
If there is a language and a namespace selected in the filter, when clicking the "EXP" button, you can choose from various formats, i.e. json de
This will return a json file containing the german json translations.