How does locize count the words?
Below are the principles due to which locize counts words:
Other examples of how the words are counted:
String | Words |
Number is -123.45 | 3 |
{0} – {1} at {2} | 4 |
two-in-one | 1 |
2-in-one | 1 |
two-in-1 | 1 |
hello?world | 1 |
hello ? world | 2 |
☂ ☃ ☀⚤ | 0 |
© %company% | 1 |
01/01/1980 | 1 |
21. 01. 2023 | 3 |
Monday, August 8, 2011 | 4 | | 1 |
Let’s look | 2 |
Word(s) | 1 |
Decouple software release from the translation work. | 7 |