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Locize Docs


Using locize


Guides / Tips & Tricks


Which integration option should I use?Do I have to use the locize CDN or can I host / bundle the translations directly?How is locize different from the alternatives?Why do I get “The passed json is nested too deeply.” when consuming the API?Is locize only for developers and translators or is project management within the process too?What is the regular way to update the translation memory?Is there any visibility on project’s level of completion that shows how translators are progressing?Why is my namespace suddenly a flat json?How to change the publish format?Why does my namespace contain an array with a lot of null items?Why is the pricing so complicated?How to change credit card or billing information or download the invoices?How to import translations from a file?How to manually publish a specific version?How to delete or rename a namespace?Why is there such a high download amount?Where do I find the namespace backups?How can a segment/key be copied/moved or renamed?Why a new namespace is created, when I upload a translation file?I want to use the locize CDN, but would like to have a fallback that uses local/bundled translationsIs it possible to integrate multiple projects in the same app/website?Why do I see strange new keys marked as ONE, FEW, MANY, OTHERS?How do I open and edit JSON files?i18n vs. i18nexti18next vs. locizeWord CounterHow to style text within locize?What do I have to consider if my translation texts may contain confidential information?How to translate a file and download the results?

Why is the pricing so complicated?

We are aware of the pricing could be confusing in the beginning - but guess it will make sense when you start using the service.

You will get charged on your monthly subscription date. The items are:

  • Words -> The costs for every word (all languages) stored in the version (normally latest) with most words (the word count is calculated by splitting the text by spaces and newlines, see some examples here)
  • Modifications -> Any translation (key/value) added, updated, deleted, imported or copied via UI or API or CLI (also for empty values)
  • Downloads -> Every translation file (not word) that gets downloaded from our CDN (if you’re using that feature)

The price per unit go down the higher your numbers are. For details check out the pricing page: (scroll down to the details).

An example:

During the trial

You'll import 3'000 words for 3 languages:
>>> 3’000 words x 3 languages -> 9’000 words * 0.004 -> $36

Assuming 15 words per key, these 9'000 words are grouped in 600 keys:
>>> 600 added keys -> 600 modifications x 0.02 -> $12

Assuming 2 namespaces per language, and 300 downloads:
>>> 2 namespaces x 3 languages x 300 downloads ->
1'800 downloads x 0.0001 -> $0.18

This means you would be charged for:
>>> 9'000 words => $36
>>> 600 modifications => $12 => free during trial -> $0
>>> 1'800 downloads => $0.18 => free during trial -> $0
>>> base fee => $5
>>> total =>

We suggest to import all your existing translations during the trial, this way all generated modifications are set to zero on subscription.The trial ends after the 14 days or as soon as you subscribe.
First month

Let's assume in this month, your production website is completely integrated with locize (so you're generating normal traffic downloads) and you're just fixing a couple of typos.

You have still 3'000 existing words for 3 languages:
>>> 3’000 words x 3 languages -> 9’000 words * 0.004 -> $36

Assuming 10 typos in 10 different keys:
>>> 10 updated keys -> 10 modifications x 0.02 -> $0.20

Assuming you're equally generating the same amount of downloads for each language:
>>> 2 namespaces x 3 languages x 10'000 downloads ->
60'000 downloads x 0.0001 -> $6

This means you would be charged for:
>>> 9'000 words => $36
>>> 10 modifications => $0.20
>>> 60'000 downloads => $6
>>> base fee => $5
>>> total =>

Second month

In this month you decide to add an additional language, and remove some old keys.

Starting with your 3'000 existing words for 3 languages, you'll remove 500 words per language and add an additional language:
>>> 2’500 words x 4 languages -> 10'000 words * 0.004 -> $40

Assuming again 15 words per key, you would have generated approximately 30 modifications per language for the removal of some old keys and approximately 160 modifications for the newly added language:
>>> 30 removed keys x 3 languages -> 90 modifications x 0.02 -> $1.80
>>> 160 added keys x 1 new language ->
160 modifications x 0.02 -> $3.20
>>> totally 250 generated modifications ->
250 modifications x 0.02 -> $5

Assuming you're equally generating the same amount of downloads for each language:
>>> 2 namespaces x 3 languages x 10'000 downloads ->
60'000 downloads x 0.0001 -> $6

This means you would be charged for:
>>> 10'000 words => $40
>>> 250 modifications => $5
>>> 60'000 downloads => $6
>>> base fee => $5
>>> total =>

We know all those cost units can be confusing - but this is the only way to more or less get a fair pricing for all the different projects out there. Overall you will see costs below competitors while providing a lot more features. There is a 14d free trial you can start using without any obligations -> on the billing page you will have an overview over the costs of the current month.

A little advice: be aware that modifications and downloads are set to zero on subscription.

Why these metrics?

Like described on our pricing page, the pricing is based on your real usage. And our metrics (words, modifications, downloads and private downloads) do reflect our own infrastructure costs:

words: relates to the storage costs
modifications: relates to the storage transaction costs
downloads: relates to the CDN costs

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